Team Valle Travel Baseball Tryouts Start This Weekend For 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U, 14U, 15U, 16U, 17U Showcase, and 18U
Team Valle Tryouts start this weekend!
Tryouts for Team Valle, a Rochester, NY-based travel baseball organization, for the 2017 season start this Saturday for all age groups 10U-18U.
Tryout Dates: August 6th and 13th
Tryout Times:
10U – 12U – 9:00AM – 12:00 Noon
13U – 15U – 1:00PM – 4:00PM
16U – 18U – 5:00PM – 8:00PM
What to Bring: Baseball Pants, Shirt, Cap, Cleats (metal 13U and up, 10U-12U rubber or plastic), Glove, Helmet, (Catcher’s gear if trying out for catcher), Sunglasses, -3 BBCOR bat (13U and up) or 2016 LL approved bat (10U-12U), and water bottle.
Location: G&T Sports Park 373 North Greece Road, Hilton, NY
Tryout Fee: $15 tryout fee. Tryouts will include warmup, speed, arm strength, fielding, hitting, and pitching and catching.
Tryout Waiver: Tryout Waiver signed by a parent is required (attached below) for all minors under 18. Those who are 18 already may sign for themselves. Please fill out and bring to tryouts. See our Tryouts Webpage for a downloadable Tryout Waiver.